Sunday 5 October 2008

Freehostx foreign 5G free space php to support MySQL / ftp upload

FreehostX foreign 5G free home page space, monthly traffic restrictions on 2G, LayeredPanel using Control Panel. WEB, FTP upload the way the management of documents in support of PHP, and MySQL database 5, in the background could be a key to install WordPress, phpBB2, Joomla, and so on several popular php program. To provide free secondary domain names on its Web site claiming to be able to bind their own domain name.

Address presentation:
Address applications:

Click on the above address to apply for access to FreehostX Web site home page, point to register Register Now, the need to charge e-mail confirmation, the letter points up the link to activate e-mail, Free9 free network resources suggest that you use Gmail or Yahoo mail, receive e-mail abroad faster. In addition, FreehostX Web site claiming to be an independent binding domain, the site is no spare independent domain names, there is no test line will not do not know. FreehostX the current free home page space is also a good speed, and so on after more than 1 registered users, the research has yet to be stability.

700Megs United php free space, support for the MySQL / FTP upload

700Megs from the United States php free space, 1400M space of a month 7G restrictions on the flow, using LayeredPanel Control Panel. WEB, FTP upload the way the management of documents in support of PHP, PHPMAIL, and 5 MySQL database in the background could be a key to install WordPress, phpBB2, Xoops, Joomla, and so on several popular php program. To provide free secondary domain names on its Web site claiming to be able to bind their own domain name.

Address presentation:
Web site address:

Click on the address entered above 700Megs page, point SIGN UP NOW to register, confirm the need to collect e-mail, letter, the longest point-activated e-mail link, Free9 free network resources suggest that you use Gmail or Yahoo mail, receive e-mail abroad faster. Also, 700Megs Web site claiming to be an independent binding domain, the site is no spare independent domain names, there is no test line will not do not know.

MySQL database creation process:
Landing back in "MySQL setup" to set up the database. In the first "Database Name" after the name entered into the database, point button to create a database; "Username" entered into the database after the user name, "Password" after the password entered into the database, point button to create the database users; final, "Assign Privileges" You just choose to create Databases and database users will be behind all of the selected option (to give full authority), associated with the button at the database and database users.

One-click Setup:
Into the "Addons", "Target directory:" fill in the back of the installation directory, you must select the following installation procedures, installation of point button, the installation process you need to fill in the database server "localhost", the database name, database user name, database Fill in the password you just created it.

Hostrator high-speed 10G free space php, support FTP upload / m tie

Hostrator from the United States php free space 10G, 50G monthly traffic limits the use LayeredPanel control panel, faster. WEB, FTP upload the way the management of documents in support of PHP, and MySQL database, with 10, in the background could be a key to install WordPress, phpBB2, Xoops, Joomla, and so on several popular php program. To provide free secondary domain names on its Web site claiming to be able to bind their own domain name. This demonstration of 'free space'


Click on the address entered above Hostrator page, point to register Register Now, the need to charge e-mail confirmation, the letter points up the link to activate e-mail, Free9 free network resources suggest that you use Gmail or Yahoo mail, receive e-mail abroad faster.

MySQL database creation process:
Landing back in "MySQL setup" to set up the database. In the first "Database Name" after the name entered into the database, point button to create a database; "Username" entered into the database after the user name, "Password" after the password entered into the database, point button to create the database users; final, "Assign Privileges" You just choose to create Databases and database users will be behind all of the selected option (to give full authority), associated with the button at the database and database users.

One-click Setup:
Into the "Addons", "Target directory:" fill in the back of the installation directory, you must select the following installation procedures, installation of point button, the installation process you need to fill in the database server "localhost", the database name, database user name, database Fill in the password you just created it.

1stfreehosting high-speed 20G free hosting space

1stfreehosting from the United States for free hosting space 20G, 20G monthly traffic limits the use LayeredPanel control panel, faster. WEB, FTP upload the way the management of documents in support of php, and 5 MySQL database in the background could be a key to install WordPress, phpBB2, Xoops, Joomla, and so on several popular php program. To provide free secondary domain names on its Web site claiming to be able to bind their own domain name. This demonstration of 'free space'


Click on the address entered above 900megs Web site home page, point to register Register Now, the need to activate the collection of mail, Free9 free network resources suggest that you use Gmail or Yahoo mail, receive e-mail abroad faster.

MySQL database creation process:
Landing back in "MySQL setup" to set up the database. In the first "Database Name" after the name entered into the database, point button to create a database; "Username" entered into the database after the user name, "Password" after the password entered into the database, point button to create the database users; final, "Assign Privileges" You just choose to create Databases and database users will be behind all of the selected option (to give full authority), associated with the button at the database and database users.

One-click Setup:
Into the "Addons", "Target directory:" fill in the back of the installation directory, you must select the following installation procedures, installation of point button, the installation process you need to fill in the database server "localhost", the database name, database user name, database Fill in the password you just created it.

Web44 United php free space, support for the MySQL / ftp upload

Web44 from the United States php free space, 300M space, 10 per month limit the flow of the current speed can be. Vista Panel to adopt the management panel, WEB, FTP upload the way the management of documents in support of php, and 5 MySQL database in the background could be a key to install WordPress, phpBB2, PHPWind, Xoops chinese, Joomla, and so on several popular php program. 6 months to provide free secondary domain names can be 6 to bind its own domain name. This demonstration of 'free space'


Click on the above Web site address into the Web44, Sign up at the link to register without having received confirmation account activation, after the success of the registration page to see: CP panel account password management, FTP account passwords, MySQL database in silence and account password, Information such as domain name (the best preserved to this information, useful later). Moran need to upload files to upload htdocs directory, upload support for ZIP compressed files are automatically uploaded after decompression. On its Web site claiming to be able to bind their own domain name, independent domain name is limited, so no testing, we can try to go.

Free secondary domain name to add:
CP landing panel management background, "Sub domains" in the secondary domain names can be added free of charge, a number of suffixes can choose to upload files uploaded to the "secondary domain name" directory can, for example: free9 .10001 directory, it will automatically create the directory.

One-click Setup:
Into the "Fantastico type installer", choose the "free secondary domain name," you have selected the following installation procedures, installation of point Click to install, in the "Destination Folder" enter the installation directory name, then may need to set up a similar config. php files, set up the database, the database user name, password and other information database, you can use the start of the MySQL database Moran.

Freehostingz foreign php free space to support the ftp / MySQL

Freehostingz foreign php free space, 1G free space, 100G monthly traffic limits the use LayeredPanel Control Panel, there are pop-up ads. WEB, FTP upload the way the management of documents in support of php, and 3 MySQL database in the background could be a key to install WordPress, phpBB2, Xoops, Joomla, SMF, and so on several popular php program. To provide free secondary domain names on its Web site claiming to be able to bind their own domain name. This free home page space 'demo'


Click on the above Web page addresses Freehostingz to enter, points Register Now! Register, followed by a letter points received confirmation letter, the longest link to activate account, to continue to fill out the registration, Free9 free network resources recommend that you use Gmail or Yahoo mail, receive e-mail abroad Faster.

MySQL database creation process:
Sign in the background, in the "Create / delete MySQL database" to set up the database. In the first "Database Name" after the name entered into the database, point button to create a database; "Username" entered into the database after the user name, "Password" after the password entered into the database, point button to create the database users; final, "Assign Privileges" You just choose to create Databases and database users will be behind all of the selected option (to give full authority), associated with the button at the database and database users.

One-click Setup:
Into the "Application installer", "Target directory:" fill in the back of the installation directory, you must select the following installation procedures, installation of point button, the installation process you need to fill in the database server "localhost", the database name, database user name, Database password you just created to fill it.

900Megs free php space to support the ftp / MySQL database

900Megs from the United States 15G free php space, similar to free space HostBot, the registration process and set back almost the same, only HostBot space, fast. 500G monthly traffic limits the use LayeredPanel Control Panel, the general speed. WEB, FTP upload the way the management of documents in support of php5, and MySQL database in the background could be a key to install WordPress, phpBB2, Xoops, Joomla, and so on several popular php program. To provide free secondary domain names on its Web site claiming to be able to bind their own domain name. This demonstration of 'free space'


Click on the address entered above 900megs Web site home page, point to register Register Now, the need to activate the collection of mail, Free9 free network resources suggest that you use Gmail or Yahoo mail.

MySQL database creation process:
Landing back in "MySQL setup" to set up the database. In the first "Database Name" after the name entered into the database, point button to create a database; "Username" entered into the database after the user name, "Password" after the password entered into the database, point button to create the database users; final, "Assign Privileges" You just choose to create Databases and database users will be behind all of the selected option (to give full authority), associated with the button at the database and database users.

One-click Setup:
Into the "Addons", "Target directory:" fill in the back of the installation directory, you must select the following installation procedures, installation of point button, the installation process you need to fill in the database server "localhost", the database name, database user name, database Fill in the password you just created it.